Top Ten Books I Read in 2017

It’s that time of the year for best of and most anticipated lists, and and this week’s Top Ten Tuesday is all about the best of 2017. When looking at the list of books I read this year, I have to say, I’ve had a pretty disappointing year. I struggled to find enough to fill this list! Here’s hoping 2018 will be a better reading year.

We’re Going to Need More Wine. I absolutely loved this memoir. It wasn’t at all what I thought it would be, but it was so much better.

Morning Glories. I blew through this comic series in about a week and only have a couple trades left to be all caught up.

Mr Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore. The narrator made this audiobook.

The Year of Living Danishly. I now want my own year living Danishly.

Modern Romance. Informative and funny. A great combo.

Fitness Junkie. I blew through this book in a weekend. I want this duo to write a new book every year.

Difficult Women. So hard to read, but so, so worth it.

Lumberjanes. I wanted a reread so I could catch up, and it was delightful.

The Bookshop on the Corner. Another audiobook I blew through. I couldn’t get enough of the cuteness!

Hello, Sunshine. I read this on vacation, and it was the perfect read at the time.

Looking at my list, there is a lot of fluff but not much substance. I’m hoping for more quality books next year.

What books made your Best of list? What should I add to my TBR for next year?