Reading Classics

Lately I’ve been getting into reading more classics.  I majored in English in college, so I have read a lot of what are considered classics in the past, but life has gotten in the way of my continuing reading education.  While I still greatly anticipate the coming new releases and will continue to read those, I will be sprinkling in some older works into the mix.  Out of the thousands of “classics” in the world, I have created a list of 225 books that intrigue me, and this will be the guidepost for my future endeavors into the classics.  Some of these books are books I’ve already tried and either loved or hated.  Some are due for a reread, and some deserve a second chance. I’m interested to see if my feelings have changed.

The books on my seasonal reading lists are included on this list.  The classics I read from my Summer Reading List will be reread at some point in the future.  The books on my Fall List I am currently reading, and will be crossed of the list as I finish them.

So, with this list, there are no rules.  These are the classics I want to read.  It’s merely a list so that I don’t forget any books I have found interesting and would like to read. A reminder that I once thought I would like to read a book, so that when I feel the urge to read something a little less modern, I have a list to turn to.   Just because a book made it onto this list does not impose any duty or requirement to that book. There is no time limit.  If I go an entire year without reading a single book on this list, that will be okay.  There is no order in which these books must be read.  In fact, there is no requirement that I have to read any of these books at all.  If I change my mind, or if I decide to DNF a book, that’s perfectly fine with me.

I’ve created a tab on the top of my site where the list will be located.  I’ll be working to keep track of my progress on this page, so check back often!

Hour 12

I’ve slowed down a bit, but I’m still here! In the time since I last updated I took a wee nap and ate dinner. Now I’m ready to rejoin Miss Pettigrew. Totally going to finish it tonight!

Here’s the mid-event survey:

1. What are you reading right now?

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

2. How many books have you read so far?

One and a half!

3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon?

I’m looking forward to finishing my current read. 

4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those?

I’ve been lucky enough to only be interrupted for food. Girl’s gotta eat. 

5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far?

I’m surprised how focused I’ve been during this readathon. Usually my attention wanders and I get restless. Not this time!
Pages read: 178

Books finished: 1

Coffee had: 4

Hour 8

We’re 1/3 of the way through the day, and I don’t know about you, but I’m having a blast. I’ve started Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, and while it is not at all what I expected, I think it’s even better than I hoped. 

We just got through the lunch hour not too long ago, and a simple dinner is planned, so there’s very little that will distract me from my books, except for maybe sleep. I may take a nap before dinner so I can stay up extra late tonight!

I hope everyone else is having a successful reading day!

Pages read: 149

Books finished: 1

Coffee had: 4

Dewey’s Intro Post

We’re almost an hour in and I’m just now getting settled with a book. But, good news, all my errands and responsibilities are finished! All I have to do for the next 23 hours is eat, sleep, and read. 

It’s a little late, but here’s the intro questions:

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?

The great MidWest. 

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Illustrated Edition!

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?

I don’t snack…

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!

I’m reading while watching the Hamilton Documentary because I’m a Hamilton junkie!

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?

I’m not restricting myself to finishing just one big book. I’m just going to go with the flow. 
Have fun everyone! I’ll be checking in again with an update soon!

Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon

So, tomorrow is the Fall edition of Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon!  I officially participated last April, and am excited to give it another go now.  I’ve not really figured out the best way for me to go about a readathon, so I picked out tons of options to turn to tomorrow.  Here’s just a sampling of the books I’ve pulled for the weekend:

The Persephone Book of Short Stories. Some stories to dip in and out of when a novel just won’t do. I’ve read a few in here, but there’s still plenty left for this weekend. 

The Giveness of Things. Essays for the same reason as short stories. And I love Robinson, so I know I’ll love these. 

Missing Millie Benson. A short middle grade biography on one of my favorite authors in existence. I’ve been waiting for a good time to read this!

The Days of Abandonment. I’m hoping reading some of Ferrante’s shorter novels will help me get into her work a little more. And short for the readathon is a plus. 

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. Kind of short, light, easy to read…all a good combo. 

Harry Potter Illustrated Editions. I’ve been holding onto the Chamber of Secrets for a special time to read it, and this may be it.  

Northanger Abbey. Part of the Austentatious Book Club. I’ve barely started, so maybe I can get a chunk in. 

Dracula. An audiobook for the times where having a book in my hands just won’t work. 

Finally…Fables comics. Quick to read and will make me feel as if I’m making progress. I’m around issue 11, and it got really slow. Maybe I’m not into the story arc going on right now…I’ll probably skip it and go on to the next issue if that’s the case. 

So my goals for tomorrow… I don’t know if a page count, or a number of books to finish will be beneficial for me. I really just want to end the readathon feeling satisfied. Vague, I know. 

Anyone set solid goals during the readathon? What are they? Who else is participating?